Bhakti Jam Munich A weekend of celebration, Bhakti, indian dance, music and Yoga Asana. Please join us at Literaturhaus & Jivamukti Munich Glockenbach. INFO & TICKETS A universal song infinitely plays through all existence. It’s the song of divinity, of creation as a celestial celebration. This song can be heard within our hearts if we carefully listen. The notes it consists of are the divine names and forms, and we can play and chant along if we remember to call out these names or address the divine forms, internally or with any external expression our intuition desires. By invoking this divine mood we sanctify all our thoughts, words and deeds. Every thought includes god as underlying ever present theme, thus in every word and any action this sweet song is played along and every moment becomes an expression of this celestial play and an offering to that special divinity that accompanies us always.